“Nancy Reagan, Ugly
Leonard’s sort-of-review of Kitty Kelley’s 1991 biography of
Nancy Reagan. Some, including the NY Times, considered the book to be no more
than a long gossip column. Leonard takes the opportunity to make some very
interesting observations about Nancy, her role in the Reagan White House and the
state of powerful women in the American psyche. He summarizes the book, “We
bought into the notion of King Babar and Queen Celeste. Kitty Kelley suggests,
instead, something like Rip Van Winkle and sort of an Ugly Duckling, who really
wanted to be a czarina, with her very own Rasputin.” [I just noticed the
connection between Rasputin and Putin.]
…but goes on (only part facetiously) to make apologies for
Nancy, “So what if she was greedy and stingy? Wasn’t the Reagan revolution all
about deregulating greed?”
…and then gets to his point, “What bothers people is that
Nancy had some White House clout, as if Betty Ford and Rosalynn Carter didn’t,
nor Eleanor Roosevelt, nor Abigail Adams!”
…then brings it home, “She opposed aid for the contras. She
was against a pardon for Ollie North. She also pushed Babar into the arms treaty
with the Russians…we ought to be glad that he listened to her more than he did
the fastbuck Thugees.” [I wonder if he meant to use “Thuggee”?]
Just say no Ronnie...
New phrase: “lynching bees” = like quilting bee or spelling
bee, only for a lynching.
learning: Leonard mentions that, to read the Reagan bio, he had to put down the
new novel by Milan Kundera (Czech writer who insisted on being considered
French). Since the essay was written in 1991, Leonard is referring to Immortality. Kundera also wrote The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which
was made into a film starring Daniel Day-Lewis. I need to read the book and see
the movie.
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