“Gulf War (6): The
Software in the System”
Very interesting essay with Leonard raising the argument of
war ad absurdum. His causer de la journée is the story of The US Army attaching
bulldozer blades to the front of their Abrams M1 tanks and using them to bury
Iraqi soldiers alive in their trenches. He goes through a very long list of all
the other ways we killed Iraqis that are strangely not considered barbaric to
ask why the Iraqi soldier would care which way they were killed making the point, “By whatever means, wars are
for killing people. That’s the whole idea.” Of course he means to make the
opposite point. Not that burying soldiers alive is equally as good as blowing
them up with cluster bombs, but that both are equally appalling. The “software”
in war are the humans, both soldiers and collateral.
He ends with the reminder that since Hiroshima, all of our
wars have been against “yellow or brown” people. Hmmm….
New word: son-et-lumiere = a sound and light show.
learning: 93% of bombs dropped during the first gulf war were of the “dumb”
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