Monday, May 20, 2013

“Words Matter”

Hitchens’ commentary on the simplification (as in simple mindedness) of campaign rhetoric.  He writes, “ It is cliché, not plagiarism, that is the problem with our stilted, room-temperature political discourse. It used to be that thinking people would say, with at least a shred of pride, that their own convictions would not shrink to fit on a label or on a bumper sticker. But now it seems that the more vapid and vacuous the logo, the more charm…it exerts.”

New Learning: When President Obama was accused of plagiarizing Gov. Duval Patrick, Sydney Blumenthal came up with the alternate slogan, “Change You Can Xerox”

Ten words that we can get all future electoral politics reduced to: “Dream, Fear, Hope, New, People, We, Change, America, Future, Together.”

Funny play on words on Dennis Kucinich bumper sticker:

...and the Regan bumper sticker it plays on:

1 comment:

  1. Nice format. I like the new learning, new word sections.
    I read the first 10 so far.

    My favorite CH quote is
    "My own opinion is enough for me..."
